6. Compton camera imaging simulations: CCMod (MOVED TO GENERAL DIGITIZER SINCE GATE 9.3)¶
6.1. Introduction¶
The Compton camera imaging system has been designed as an actor (see Tools to Interact with the Simulation : Actors) that collects the information of the Hits in the different layers of the system. The following commands must be employed to add and attach the actor to a volume that contains the whole system:
/gate/actor/addActor ComptonCameraActor [Actor Name]
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]/attachTo [Vol Name]
The layers of the Compton camera work as Sensitive Detectors storing Hits (equivalent to volumes attached to crystalSD in PET/SPECT systems). Therefore the digitizer modules described in Digitizer and readout parameters can be applied to Hits get Singles.
A detailed description of CCMod can be found in the article CCMod: a GATE module for Compton Camera imaging simulation <https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/ab6529>
6.2. Defining the system¶
A Compton camera system is typically composed of two types of detectors: the scatterer and the absorber. These terms work as key words within the actor. The behavior of the volumes associated to absorber and scatterer Sensitive detectors is equivalent to the crystalSD behavior in PET/SPECT systems. The sensitive detectors are specified with the following commands:
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]/absorberSDVolume [absorber Name]
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]/scattererSDVolume [scatterer Name]
For the absorber one single volume is foreseen whereas multiple scatterer layers can be simulated. At least one volume for the absorber and one volume for the scatterer are expected. The total number of scatterer layers must also be specified using the following command:
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]/numberOfTotScatterers [Num of scatterers]
When multiple scatterer layers are considered, if they are not created using a repeater (copies), the user must name them following a specific guideline. Once the name of one of the volumes is set, the rest of them must share the same name followed by a number to identify them. The numbers are assigned in increasing order starting from 1. For example, if we have three scatterer layers and we want to name them scatterer the name of those volumes must be scatterer, scatterer1 and scatterer2.
There are no constrains for the geometry.
For the DIGITIZER check the page: _digitizer_and_readout_parameters-label.
6.3. Sorter¶
The sorter developed in GATE for PET systems has been adapted for the CCMod, see coincidence_sorter-label. Same command is employed.:
/gate/digitizer/Coincidences/setWindow [time value]
An additional option has been included to allow only singles in the absorber layer to open its own time window, i. e. absorber coincidence trigger. By default, this option is disabled. In order to enable it the following command must be employed:
/gate/digitizer/Coincidences/setTriggerOnlyByAbsorber 1
Different coincidence acceptance policies are available for Compton camera: keepIfMultipleVolumeIDsInvolved, keepIfMultipleVolumeNamesInvolved, keepAll. They can be selected using the following command line:
/gate/digitizer/Coincidences/setAcceptancePolicy4CC keepAll
KeepAll policy accepts all coincidences, no restriction applied.
KeepIfMultipleVolumeIDsInvolved policy accepts coincidences with at least two singles in different volumeIDs.
KeepIfMultipleVolumeNamesInvolved is the default coincidence acceptance policy. Coincidences are accepted if at least two of the singles within the coincidence are recorded in different SD volume names. Volumes created by a repeater have same volume name but different volumeID.
6.4. Coincidence processing¶
The described modules in coincidence_processing-label to process coincidences in PET systems such as dead-time or memory buffer can be in principle applied directly to CCMod using the same commands:
/gate/digitizer/name sequenceCoincidence
/gate/digitizer/insert coincidenceChain
/gate/digitizer/sequenceCoincidence/addInputName Coincidences
However, since they are designed for PET systems, some of them reject multiple coincidences (more than two singles).
Coincidence Sequence Reconstruction (CSR) module has been included for CCMod. It is a coincidence processor which modifies the order of the singles within a coincidence to generate a sequence coincidence:
/gate/digitizer/sequenceCoincidence/insert [name]
Different policies have been implemented to order the singles within a coincidence: randomly, by increasing single time-stamp value (ideal), axial distance to the source (first scatterer then absorber) or deposited energy. Those policies can be selected using the following commands.:
/gate/digitizer/sequenceCoincidence/[name]/setSequencePolicy randomly
/gate/digitizer/sequenceCoincidence/[name]/setSequencePolicy singlesTime
/gate/digitizer/sequenceCoincidence/[name]/setSequencePolicy axialDist2Source
/gate/digitizer/sequenceCoincidence/[name]/setSequencePolicy lowestEnergyFirst
In addition, a policy based on the so-called revan analyzer from Megalib (Zoglauer et al. 2008), known as Classic Coincidence Sequence Reconstruction (CCSR) has been included. ..
(It is disabled from the messenger since the the errors in energy and posiiton are not properly included in the pulses)
/gate/digitizer/sequenceCoincidence/[name]/setSequencePolicy revanC_CSR
6.5. Data output¶
Output data is saved using the following command:
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]/save [FileName]
Data can be saved in .npy, .root or .txt format. The format is taken from the extension included in the chosen FileName. The information of the Hits, Singles, Coincidences and Coincidence chains can be stored:
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]saveHitsTree [1/0]
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]/saveSinglesTree [1/0]
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]/saveCoincidencestTree [1/0]
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]/saveCoincidenceChainsTree [1/0]
For each data format (Hits, Singles, Coincidences, processed coincidence name) a new file is generated with the label of the data included. For examples if the FileName is test.root, then Singles are saved in the file called test_singles.root.
Most of the information in the output file can be enabled or disabled by the user. For example, the information of the energy deposition can be disabled using the following command:
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]/enableEnergy 0
An additional file with electron escape information can be stored:
/gate/actor/CC_digi_BB/saveEventInfoTree [1/0]
If this option is enabled and the chosen general FileName is for example test.root, a new file test_eventGlobalInfo.root is generated. For each electron that goes through a SD volume, a flag that indicates if the electron enters or exits the volume, the SD detector volume name, the energy of the electron, the eventID and the runID are stored.
6.5.1. Optional additional source information¶
Hits and Singles contain information about the source, i.e. energy and particle type (PDGEncoding). When an ion source is employed, instead of the information of the ion, the information associated with one of the particles emitted in the decays can be of interest. An extra option has been included in the actor that allows to specify the parentID of the particle that is going to be considered as source. By default, this option is disabled. It can be enabled using the following command:
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]/specifysourceParentID 0/1
When the option is enabled (it is set to 1), a text file must be included with a column of integers corresponding to the parentIDs of the particles that are going to be considered as primaries:
/gate/actor/[Actor Name]/parentIDFileName [text file name]
For example, in the case of a 22Na source, we are interested in the 1274 keV emitted gamma-ray and the annihilation photons that can be identified using a value for the parentID of 2 and 4 respectively (at least using livermore or em opt4 physics list).
6.6. Offline processing¶
Be aware that only .root extension output files can be processed offline. The following executables:
perform respectively an offline digitization, an offline sorter and an offline sequence coincidence reconstruction. In order to use these executables during GATE compilation GATE_COMPILE_GATEDIGIT must be set to ON.