7. Enabling LUT Davis Model

Table of Contents

7.1. Manually Modifying Geant4

(Necessary before Geant4 release Summer 2017)

In order to use the Davis LUT model Geant4 has to be extended. This documentation provides detailed step-by-step compiling instructions.

  1. Follow compiling instructions here: libtorch (optional) stop before running ccmake, proceed with step 2.
  2. Get the modified code and Look-up-Tables: 5 Geant4 classes to be replaced in Geant4 10.2 or 10.3, respectively and 18 LUTs provided as a tar.gz archive
  3. Replace header files in your local Geant4 directory
    • Go to /PATH_TO_yourGEANT4Directory/source/materials/include
      • Replace the “G4SurfaceProperty.hh” file with the provided file
      • Replace the “G4OpticalSurface.hh” file with the provided file
    • Go to /PATH_TO_yourGEANT4Directory/source/materials/src
      • Replace the “G4OpticalSurface.cc” file with the provided file
    • Go to /PATH_TO_yourGEANT4Directory/source/processes/optical/include
      • Replace the “G4OpBoundaryProcess.hh” file with the provided file
    • Go to /PATH_TO_yourGEANT4Directory/source/processes/optical/src
      • Replace the “G4OpBoundaryProcess.cc” file with the provided file
  4. Open “G4OpticalSurface.hh” in /PATH_TO_yourGEANT4Directory/source/materials/include
    • In line 270 set the path of the Davis_LUTs-folder that was downloaded in step 2
    • G4String PathToLUT=”/home/…/Davis_LUTs”;
  5. Go on with ccmake process in of step 1. and finish as documented.
  6. To enable modifications of Geant4 in GATE: Follow compiling instructions: libtorch (optional)
  7. In the ccmake process set CMake options GATE_USE_OPTICAL and GATE_USE_DAVIS to ON. (Run provided example to validate installation for LUT Davis model and compare to provided output file.)